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Your Summit County Auditor Characteristics
Your County Auditor must be Independent, Competent, Honest, possess People Skills and be Passionate about being YOUR County Auditor.
» I am independent as I have never taken party, PAC or corporate contributions. I have always self-funded my campaigns. I have never been appointed to a county position and have no political debts to repay.
» I am competent as I have three Masters Degrees, including an MBA, I’m a member of The Institute of Internal Auditors, and have taken Utah state training. I have programmed comprehensive accounting systems for large organizations, including the federal government, County of San Diego, Health Care Organizations, laboratories, brokerage firm, etc.
» I have federal government, public trust security.
» As to people skills, I have an MA in Psychology, been a Toastmaster for years, and the owner of a successful computer programming business for 30 years.
» As my campaign proves, I’m passionate about becoming your County Auditor. I look forward to the audits, keeping you informed, and improving your County Auditor’s office.
Vote Gary Shumway for your Summit County Auditor, because it’s YOUR money!
I still owe you, my friends and/or the voters and candidates of Summit County, a white paper regarding the last election. No excuses, I will get to it and post it here and on my campaign's Facebook pages.
That said, my programming contract was renewed last December for the entire year of 2015 so I remain gainfully employed and actually am better off financially and time wise than if elected, but that's irrelevant, just a consolation to losing a close election.
The 2014 election Summit County canvass was held on 11/18 with the only close race being for Summit County Auditor. Prior to the canvass I was down 43 votes. After the canvas I was down 56 votes. The final totals for my opponent is 5,230 votes (50.27%) and for myself 5,174 votes (49.73%) for a total of 10,404 votes. Looking at past elections in Summit County the data indicated that the shift during canvas with the votes outstanding in our race averaged about 30 votes up or down with no clear indication whether the vote shift favored the eventual winner or loser.
Summit County Clerk's office is holding the canvass for this years elections at noon on Tuesday, 11/18 at the Summit County Court House in Coalville. Canvass is where they go through the absentee and provisional ballots that remain uncounted. As of last week there were some 300 ballots that needed counting. Barring the parting of the Jordanelle Reservoir, the political races of everyone else are a done deal.
As the election is not officially over until canvass on the 18th, I think it's relevant that I get a few things posted so they aren't construed as post election 'sour grapes', should the outcome not favor my candidacy.
Angelique called me on Monday and 'interviewed' me for this article. Angelique did quote me accurately. The article seems a little choppy as the question she asked is generally not included in the quote but maybe it's newspaper style vs my more long winded exposes. I slightly edited the text, but not content, for readability. The original article can be read at
As you likely know I am down 43 votes out of 10,185 votes cast. I will be meeting with the County Clerk's office in the next several days and going over procedures and verifying how I went from a 79 vote win (as first reported) to 43 votes down. I talked to them today and thus far I have no reason to cast doubt on the Clerk's procedures or competence. That said, I will be seeking legal council as to my options in the near term. I suspect we will just have to wait until November 17th when canvass is held and the Clerk's office makes the results official.
This election is NOT over yet....
We are not ready to put this election to bed yet, not by a long shot.
There is the verifying those who voted out of precinct didn't vote twice, some of the absentee ballots must be counted, and then we will explore our options.
The ride continues.
I have lots to say about the whole thing but I will keep my own counsel until the dust has settled.
I am down 43 votes out of 10,185 votes cast.
Thank you for following this!
Less than 48 hours and we will have the voter's decision! After all these hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars it almost seems anti-climatic but the results will change the lives of a number of people.
Last Monday I had an 8:30A 'interview' with Leslie Thatcher at KPCW and excerpts of that interview has been posted herein under Audio -> KPCW Interview. Hearing it again, I found that it went reasonably well. My final mailers went to the printer/mailer for dissemination and I placed my sign truck on hwy 248 just West of I-80.
The Park Record (Nan Chalat Noaker, Editor), more often than not, endorses Democrat candidates. In this Summit County election cycle the PR has endorsed five of the eight Democrat candidates, one of the GOP candidates, and appears basically neutral on the other two races, Attorney and Auditor. This is actually great news for my candidacy. Based on what Nan states about the Auditor's race, it truly appears that she understands my message and by my opponents silence, his. Thank you, Nan.
Well, I think that was the busiest week yet. Eight more days! Digging down a bit deeper to keep this going full steam up until election evening.
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